Daniel Owusu

Information on a particular climate, time, environment and more can be taken from a tree. It seems as if the tree acts as a bookmark for the inner workings of the earth.

In woodworking processes, the additive and subtractive qualities are of interest to me, as are the labour, devotion and communal aspect of woodworking.

I am interested in the ability that stories and memories have; in weaving our perspectives; in forming imperfect language; and in tracing the thread of things. I communicate these concerns predominantly through drawing, writing and filmmaking.

As part of the Fellowship, I will be working towards a museum project based on remembering and forgetting. The remembering aspect of the project would be dedicated to the assembly, joinery of woodworking, whilst the path to forgetting would be about the disassembly. This additive and subtractive quality of wood will interconnect the story that this museum is built on.

Instagram: @daniel_0wusu


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