Susan Jenkins

I studied Art History at Warwick University which included a term in Venice, hence 16th century Venetian painting developing into a life-long interest. Free-lance teaching for the Education Department of the National Gallery made me realize that I particularly enjoy the interaction between a group and the work of art being studied so much of my teaching has been in front of the object. Throughout my teaching career I have taken groups abroad to visit galleries and museums and have also set up study weeks in various cities both in Europe and America.

For twenty years I taught full-time for Sotheby’s Institute teaching and developing courses on Fine Art for their Undergraduate programme. I was also involved in setting up study weeks for clients in Florence and Sweden. I then joined Christie’s on a part-time basis for two years where I taught on their Diploma course. Following this, for seven years I taught on the Foundation Diploma Art & Design on the History of Western Art at City & Guilds of London Art School, but have now reverted to freelance teaching and leading art-history tours to European cities.


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