BA Fine Art

Hear from our former students about their experiences studying the BA Fine Art at City & Guilds of London Art School.

Click on each image to read the full accounts of their experiences.

“I believe City & Guilds has a unique situation of having a modern art educative system combined with a more traditional workshop environment. I felt like secret skills were being passed down to me. The people working at the Art School are like a big family, where everyone is passionate about their work.”

- Rene Gonzalez

“One to one conversations with tutors were essential to me as I’d never really had the opportunity to sit down with practicing artists before joining the course. […] The most valuable aspect of studying at the Art School was for me the standard of tutoring and general intimacy of the school: small classes and cross departmental relations.”

- Alastair Mackie

The range of tutors and the fact they were all practising artists with a huge range of specialities and knowledge was something I hadn’t seen on any other BA courses. There were multiple tutors available each day so there was always something to have a tutorial with and bounce ideas off. [… The course] gave me a brilliant traditional grounding in fine art practise as well as the confidence in my own abilities to be able to succeed on graduating.

- Jemma Appleby

  Specialising in painting, Thomas Elliott graduated from BA (Hons) Fine Art in 2015. He is currently an in-house sci-fi and fantasy illustrator for Games Workshop. In this short film, Thomas talks about his experience of studying Fine Art at the Art School.  

- Thomas Elliott

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