3D members complete their frames

Our National Saturday Club 3D members finished their wonderful carved frames last Saturday. After four weeks of learning woodcarving from BA (Hons) Carving: Woodcarving and Gilding alumnus Tom Buchanan and Graduate Diploma Arts: Carving: Woodcarving & Gilding student Henry Brown, our members have created intricate frames with unique designs. Well done to our 3D cohort!

Our 2D members continued working in the Print Room. Led by Print Tutor Kristina Chan and Print Fellow Benjamin Topping, half of the group learned the art of hard-ground etching, part of which involved working with fire. Influences ranged from landscapes, butterflies to plague doctors.

The other half of our group was led by Screen Print Tutor Niamh Clancy and Print Fellow Angela A’Court. Members worked quickly creating multiple screens, multi-layered screen prints and printing onto fabric, all in one workshop.



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