On Friday 23rd June, Art School staff and students, along with friends and families, came together to celebrate the graduating classes of 2023 across our BA Fine Art, Carving and Conservation courses.
The evening commenced with the Degree Show Ceremony and Prize Giving, opened by Art School Principal Dr Lois Rowe, followed by a welcome from the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Jamie Bill.
“We are here to this evening to celebrate you. We are here to celebrate the incredible variety, energy and brilliance that you have demonstrated during your time with us and to acknowledge the incredible community of parents, carers, partners, tutors and technicians that have supported you along the way.” Dr Lois Rowe, Art School Principal
“For over 170 years the school has played a vital role in passing on specialist skills and inspiring new generations of artists to create new work, and to restore and conserve the precious built and cultural heritage of the past. As graduands, you are part of this important legacy. We know that you will be great ambassadors for the school.” Jamie Bill, Chair of Trustees
Art School Trustee Tabish Khan was then invited to address our graduating students, and offered two pieces of guidance: to keep the creative fire burning and be persistent, and to support and look out for each other. “You are doing something that you passionately believe in. It’s that creative spark that you’ve nurtured, and that you’ve invested in yourself. By doing this degree successfully, you are saying that you are following that dream.”
Tabish presented the Board of Trustees Prize, which was awarded to Maurice Mutua.
Trustee Tabish Khan presenting the Board of Trustees prize to BA (Hons) Fine Art Graduand Maurice Mutua
We were delighted to be joined by MA Fine Art Alumnus, Hugo Wilson, who returned to speak at the graduating ceremony. Hugo commended the students on the quality of their work, mentioning that “it’s not often that I come away from a show feeling really buoyed up and wanting to make, so thank you for doing that”. He spoke passionately about his time at the Art School and his twenty-year career as an artist, and imparted advice on resilience and the importance of self-reflection.
“Being an artist is a really strange life. You walk into blank rooms and blank spaces, and create something from nothing. You set up your own parameters, and often you are the last person who should be doing this. But it’s a privilege and it’s a responsibility. And to those who are doing conservation and restoration, the artists personally thank you in advance for looking after us” Hugo Wilson, MA Fine Art Alumnus
Hugo handed over to the Heads of Department, Robin Mason (Fine Art), Dr Marina Sokhan (Conservation) and Heather Newton (Carving), to present the certificates and prizes to the graduating students. This year was an especially momentous celebration for the Conservation department, as it marked the graduation of our first cohort of Books and Paper Conservation students. It was also a significant occasion for the Carving department, who will bid farewell to the current Head of Carving, Heather Newton, at the end of this academic year.
Heather Newton, Head of Carving, and the Carving Tutors
Adrian Munns joined us on behalf of the Mason’s Livery Company to present the Masons’ Company Prizes. The Masons’ Company Prize for Studentship and Commitment was awarded to Oliver Snelling, and the Masons’ Company Prize for Outstanding Work by a Graduating Student was awarded to Chris Nayler.
Adrian Munns presenting Chris Nayler with the Masons’ Company Prize for Outstanding Work by a Graduating Student
Oliver Snelling, Winner of the Masons’ Company Prize for Studentship and Commitment
Adrian handed over to Joe Parker, Master of the Joiners and Ceilers Company, to present the Joiners and Ceilers’ Prize. This year, the prize was awarded to Jo Grogan.
Joe Parker presenting Jo Grogan with the Joiners and Ceilers’ Prize
Please see a full list of the prizes at the end of the article.
The ceremony ended with heartfelt addresses from graduands from each course on behalf of their classmates. Each speaker thanked their fellow students, the staff and the team at Art School. This year’s graduands addresses were delivered by Jo Grogan, BA Hons Carving: Woodcarving and Gilding, Emma Sheridan, BA Hons Carving: Architectural Stone, Savannah du Quercy, BA Hons Fine Art, Rodrick Reid Scanche, BA Hons Fine Art, Ana Sofia Drinovan, BA Hons Conservation Books and Paper and Carla Learoyd, BA Hons Conservation Stone Wood and Decorative Surfaces.
“What a privilege it has been to learn alongside this bunch of mega-talented humans. I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all made some friends for life. Our training here is unlike anything else, there’s a special kind of magic that permeates the carving department here at City & Guilds of London Art School.” Jo Grogan, BA Hons Carving: Woodcarving and Gilding
“Sculpture may be almost anything: a monument, a statue, an old coin, a bas-relief, a portrait bust, a lifelong struggle against heavy odds. It is a parable in three dimensions, a symbol of a spiritual experience, and a means of conveying truth by concentrating its essence into visible form.” (Sculpture Inside and Out, Marvina Hoffman), Emma Sheridan, BA Hons Carving: Architectural Stone
“Today, we not only celebrate the completion of our studies, but also the culmination of countless hours spent in the pursuit of art. We have stood side by side supporting and inspiring one another, through our triumphs and tribulations alike. We began this degree in the midst of very uncertain times, but despite the challenges, we are now stronger and more resilient, and we have all produced a body of work that we ought to be proud of.” Savannah du Quercy and Rodrick Reid Schanche, BA Fine Art
“We have had some incredible tutors, without whom we could not have built our ship, and under their guidance we all learned to navigate new waters, under storms and stress perhaps, but with new skills and the strong hearts required for us to keep on together. A little bit of camaraderie took us a long way.” Ana Sofia Drinovan, BA Hons Conservation Books and Paper
“The world of stone and wood and its beauty is fascinating, and to be able to work in some of the most historic buildings, and handle some of the most historically significant objects, is a world we will now be able to enter.” Carla Learoyd, BA Hons Conservation Stone Wood and Decorative Surfaces.
We wish our graduating students the very best of luck and we look forward to hearing about their future projects and endeavours!
Honourable Society of Knights of the Round Table Award: Max Reynolds, BA (Hons) Carving, Woodcarving and Gilding
City & Guilds of London Art School The Board of Trustees Prize: Maurice Mutua, BA (Hons) Fine Art
Norman Ackroyd Etching Prize: Irene Burkhardt, BA (Hons) Fine Art
The Taylor Pearce Drawing Prize: Jo Grogan, BA (Hons) Carving, Woodcarving and Gilding
The Sir Roger de Grey Drawing Prize: Eddie Rowe, BA (Hons) Fine Art
City & Guilds of London Art School Research Project Prize (Books and Paper): Emily Mullin BA (Hons) Conservation: Books and Paper
City & Guilds of London Art School Prize Practical Conservation Project Prize (Stone, Wood & Decorative Surfaces): Joshua Horsfall, BA (Hons) Conservation: Stone, Wood & Decorative Surfaces
City & Guilds of London Art School Prize Practical Conservation Project Prize: Stone, Wood & Decorative Surfaces: Carla Learoyd BA (Hons) Conservation: Stone, Wood & Decorative Surfaces
City & Guilds of London Art School Prize Practical Conservation Project Prize: Books and Paper: Emily Mullin BA (Hons) Conservation: Books and Paper
Venice in Peril Residency: Joshua Horsfall and Carla Learoyd BA (Hons) Conservation: Stone, Wood & Decorative Surfaces
De Laszlo Stone Carving Prize for Outstanding Work: Emma Sheridan, BA (Hons) Carving: Architectural Stone
De Laszlo Woodcarving Prize for Outstanding Work: Max Reynolds and Jo Grogan, BA (Hons) Carving, Woodcarving and Gilding
Joiner & Ceilers’ Prize: Jo Grogan, BA (Hons) Carving, Woodcarving and Gilding
Masons’ Company Prize for Outstanding Work by a Graduating Student: Chris Nayler, BA (Hons) Carving: Stone Carving
Masons’ Company Prize for Studentship and Commitment: Oliver Snelling, BA (Hons) Carving: Stone Carving
Gilding and Decorative Surfaces Prize for a Carving student: Jo Grogan, BA (Hons) Carving, Woodcarving and Gilding
City & Guilds of London Art School Lettering Prize: Oliver Snelling, BA (Hons) Carving: Stone Carving
Anthony Caro Sculpture Prize: Sophie Lloyd, BA (Hons) Fine Art
Baton Fine Art Prize: Sophie Lloyd, BA (Hons) Fine Art
Chadwyck-Healey Prize for Painting: Seraphina Mutscheller, BA (Hons) Fine Art
Brian Till Art Histories Thesis Prize (Carving): Rasha Obaid, BA (Hons) Carving, Woodcarving and Gilding
Brian Till Art Histories Thesis Prize (Fine Art): Seraphina Mutscheller