Illustration: Materials and Methods

Dates: 1-5 July 2024

Time: 10:00-17:00

Fee: £560

Level: Beginners (18+ years)

Tutors: Dr Charley Peters and Shiori Clark



Join illustrator Shiori Clark and artist Charley Peters on an active 5-day programme to make contemporary images that communicate your ideas and express your creativity. Develop new visual skills or level up your existing approaches to illustration through a series of practical activities and discussions that will support you in creating your own unique visual language through which to bring messages to life.


During this week of visual research and development, you will explore different approaches to drawing, mark making and visual communication. We will start by looking at different ways of constructing images using traditional and experimental drawing and mark making. You’ll start to discover your relationship with visual styles, materials, colour and texts through a series of studio-based activities and group discussions with support from your two tutors. You will be encouraged to develop images that use your illustrative ‘voice’ to express ideas from different textual sources, and to consider ways to use your illustrations to communicate to a diverse range of audiences. At the end of the week you will have the opportunity to work on a self-initiated piece of work that interprets an idea or issue of your choice through the creation of dynamic, original imagery.

What is included: all teaching, and most materials including drawing materials.

What is not included: your meals, and please bring a notebook and pen from home if you like to make notes.

10% discount available for City & Guilds of London Art School students, alumni and staff. Contact to receive the discount code.


The Body Shop, Shiori Clark

Charley Peters


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